Week 3 Reflective Journal

Personal Learning Strategies

To prepare for this journal, return to Chapter 3 and review Sections 3.1 and 3.4, paying careful attention to Tables 3.10-3.12.  As the book explains, “Vincent, Cari, and Duane all lack an understanding of how to be mindful, intentional learners. …they are not headed for success, because they lack a personalized set of study strategies. Each [student] requires skills to turn their internal thoughts (metacognition) into external actions (personalized learning techniques).”  For this journal, you will explain what they could have done to be successful and identify personalized learning techniques to be more intentional learners.  You will also identify personal learning techniques to help you be a more intentional learner.  Note: This journal template has two parts that you need to complete.

Part 1

Directions:  Critically review the scenarios of Vincent, Cari, and Duane in Section 3.1 of the book.

  1. (Vincent: S-Avoid, P-Use as Needed, TR-Use First, C-Use as Needed)

Describe two things Vincent could have done to be more successful.  Identify two strategies from the charts in Section 3.4 that he could have used to FIT (Forge, Intensify, or Tether) his Learning Patterns more intentionally.

  1. (Cari: S-Use as Needed, P-Use First, TR-Avoid, C-Use as Needed

Describe two things Cari could have done to be more successful.  Identify two strategies from the charts in Section 3.4 that she could have used to FIT (Forge, Intensify, or Tether) her Learning Patterns more intentionally.

  1. (Duane: S-Use First, P-Use First, TR-Use as Needed, C-Use First)

Describe two things Duane could have done to be more successful.  Identify two strategies from the charts in Section 3.4 that he could have used to FIT (Forge, Intensify, or Tether) his Learning Patterns more intentionally.

(Scroll down for Part 2.)

Part 2

Directions:  Critically review the concept of FIT in Section 3.4 as well as the sample strategies in Tables 3.10-3.12.  In the chart below, list the level of use for each of your Learning Patterns.  Then, identify at least one personal learning strategy that can help you forge, intensify, or tether that Learning Pattern based on the level you use that Pattern.  Your strategy can come from the tables in Section 3.4 or you can come up with one that better works for you, just be sure that you’re using your own words when describing the chosen strategy.

Once completed, you’ll have a table of personalized learning strategies specific to your Pattern combination.  You are encouraged to add to this table as you identify additional strategies that help you FIT your Patterns.

Pattern &

Level of Use

Personal Learning Strategies


EXAMPLE:  Double-check my answer to be certain I attended to each Sequential word stated in the directions.






Technical Reasoning






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