5.2 Discussion.

  1. Read and review all of the following links:
    1. What Is Capital?
    2. The Forms of Capital
    3. 8 Forms of Capital and Why They Matter
  2. Navigate to the Discussion page and respond to the following questions related to seeking out capital for a new business venture:
    1. Which of the funding sources described in the resources above do you generally recommend for a business that you might consider establishing? Which sources do you recommend not be used? Why?
    2. What can entrepreneurs do to increase the probability that bankers will approve their loan requests?
    3. Think through ways that entrepreneurs could attract the capital they need for a business. What steps do you recommend one take before they approach the potential sources of funding you have identified?

5.3 Discussion.

  1. Read and review all of the following links:
    1. What Is Business Ethics?
    2. 10 Benefits of Managing Ethics in the Workplace
    3. 8 Guidelines for Managing Ethics in the Workplace
  2. Navigate to the Discussion page and respond to the following:
    1. Why is it important for entrepreneurs to create honest job descriptions to potential employees?
      1. What are the implications for entrepreneurs who fail to do so?
    2. Is it ethical for small companies to present to potential employees only the “fun” aspects of a job and to gloss over its less appealing components?
    3. Certain companies, such as Lindblad Expeditions and Zappos, sometimes receive criticism for being too extreme in the honesty of their recruiting approaches. Research these two companies and opine on this criticism.
      • Do you agree they are excessively honest in their approach to business? Explain.


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