Are dyslexic executives the key for corporates to steer through the complexities of the Environmental, Social & Governance agendas?

Topic is exploring the skills/upsides of dyslexics

and how they are positioned to assist businesses in navigating the complexities of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges.

Looking to conduct a literature review starting with dyslexia : What is dyslexia, specifically with a focus on the skills abilities of dyslexics as well as the challenges.

Then need the narrative to say we will now assess (in the second part of the lit review) what it means to ESG.

What is ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) how does it impact on business? How might a company struggle to deal with the complexity of ESG

Finally bring the two topics together hinting that dyslexics are possible well positioned to take on business challenge of ESG

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