A case study about the behavior and culture of retail management in e-commerce organizations aid in retaining a continuous competitive advantage through strategic planning.

It is not known how the behavior and culture of e-commerce organizations impacts their innovation and operations through strategic planning in the name of competitive advantage.

What is the behavior and culture of retail management in an e-commerce organization?

How has the retail management of an e-commerce organization incorporated strategic planning into its behavior and culture?

What factors of strategic planning in e-commerce influence its continuous competitiveness?

How does an e-commerce organization contribute to the success of strategic planning in its retail management?

How is the overall continuous competitiveness of e-commerce organizations evaluated?

How does the retail management of e-commerce organizations ensure the continued success of strategic planning in fostering continuous competitiveness?

Phenomena: Understanding the behavior and culture of retail management of e-commerce organizations located in the state of California and how it impacts its continuous competitive advantage in product quality, pricing, availability, efficiency, and brand satisfaction to consumers through strategic planning.

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