ACC3135 – Accounting Theory 2021-2022
Assessment weight – 80% of the module.
Feedback is available by emailing your module leader or seminar tutor. You are
advised to have at least received one feedback on your draft essay coursework
assignment. A series of coursework feedback will be available to you. Please
refer to the Learning Planner of your module handbook. Make sure you have
first draft of essay by Learning Week 8 and a FINAL draft by Learning Week 11.
This assignment is in the form of a Single or Pair COURSEWORK ESSAY. You must
select one essay question from the choice of three below. You must write between
2,500 – 3,000 words. Please adhere to this word limit and indicate at the end of your
essay the word count. Any essay which is more than 10% off the word count will not
be marked. Therefore the maximum word limit will be 3,300 words. In addition, you will
need to reference your work accordingly throughout using the Harvard system. Please
also adhere to the University Policy on Plagiarism.
The FINAL coursework essay must be submitted online through TurnItIn in the
ACC3135 Accounting Theory Moodle space. The FINAL submission should also
include a filled in ‘ACC3135 Submission Form 21-22’ (can be found in the Moodle
space under the ‘Assessment & Feedback’ folder).
NOTE: Only ONE FINAL submission will be allowed by the system from
each candidate or pair (if you are working in pair, please ensure that only one of you
submit the work to avoid 100% TurnItIn similarity report).
also note: The TurnItIn system can get very busy so please, do not leave
submission until the last minute. Plan your time and work accordingly.
1. ‘Reality construction in accounting is easy’.
Critically evaluate this statement and provide examples to illustrate
your answer.
2. ‘Accounting is an objective discipline’.
Critically evaluate this statement and provide examples to illustrate
your answer.
3. ‘Accounting only serves the users’
Critically evaluate this statement and provide examples to illustrate
your answer.