Complete assignment individually. This is not a group assignment.
Each submission is expected to be a personal reflection using the theory and your personal experiences.
All submissions will be submitted to Safe Assign for a plagiarism check.
Check the spelling and grammar for your work before submitting. I will deduct marks for unchecked submissions.
Post your completed form under “Self-Reflection” Folder in Blackboard.
The assignment objective is to apply decision-making process to everyday situations.
Does not meet
Significantly exceeds
Knowledge of class materials
Limited effectiveness
Some effectiveness
Considerable effectiveness
High degree of effectiveness
Personal awareness & reflection
Limited effectiveness
Some effectiveness
Considerable effectiveness
High degree of effectiveness
Ability to apply class concepts
Limited effectiveness
Some effectiveness
Considerable effectiveness
High degree of effectiveness
The Assignment has 4 parts
Part 1: Leadership theory and Self-awareness
In weeks 1 & 2, we discussed different leadership theories and completed a personality test which provided some strengths and weaknesses.
Of the different leadership definitions, which aligns to your own philosophy the best, and provide a brief explanation. (2 marks)
Based on your personality type profile, discuss a strength would you want to build and discuss how building this strength would make you a better leader?
Part 2: Decision Making
In week 3, you learned about decision-making, and the steps that can help you make a decision.
For each of the 5 steps of decision-making,
name the step
and discuss what made it easy or hard to do
Reasons for the step being easy or hard for you could be but not limited to:
Discuss how your personality may be more comfortable with a certain step
Discuss your motivation to make the decision
Discuss your level of understanding of the topic
Focus on any topics from the class
Part 3: Accountability & Follow-through (10 marks)
Using the week 4 session material on motivation and accountability, complete the goal statement and complete the tracking over the next two weeks.
Goal: I will [action] by [when] for [how long]
Track your progress of your goal over the next 2 weeks. (4 marks)
No need for full sentences.
Did you accomplish your goal? Y for yes, and N for No.
On a scale of 1 – 10, how motivated were you to accomplish the task.
1 = Extremely low motivation, and 10 = extremely high motivation.
Week 1
Week 2
Did you accomplish the goal?
How motivated were you to accomplish the task?
What do you notice as drivers of motivation? (2 marks). Full sentences please.
What methods could you use to increase your motivation? Describe a relevant item, process or image that you can use.
Part 4: Emotional Intelligence
Of the five elements of emotional intelligence, which element do you struggle with the most and why?
Based on the discussion that you had with a classmate, how did you demonstrate empathy towards your classmate? Identify ways that you developed empathy.
What social skills did you practice during your virtual coffee discussion?
What social skills would you like to build more? Note how you will do this with a SMART goal.