Prior to beginning work on this discussion read pages 12-16 of the Cybercrime in the Year 2025 (Links to an external site.) online resource, as well as the Laws Need Updating to Combat Cyber Crime (, officials testify and The Future of Cybercrime ( online articles, and view the Marc Goodman: A Vision of Crimes in the Future ( Talk.
Throughout the course we have examined the truth that cyber crime is the next great vanguard for both law enforcement and military protections in the United States. As with anything new in society, law enforcement, courts, and the nation itself require some time to fully understand the threats posed through new technologies and practices. Not only are state and federal legislatures often slow to respond to new crimes and societal changes, creating effective tools and strategies to effectively combat new crimes often takes years to implement.
Fully explore all of the following elements in your 400 word minimum initial post:
Predict an issue that will become problematic for law enforcement over the next 20 years that does not currently exist as a major problem in the area of cyber crime.
Create a unique and effective way to investigate the issue identified.
Evaluate the challenges both legal and factual to the investigation methodology, tool, practice and/or issue identified in your issue.
Predict the effectiveness of the new ways to investigate the issue identified.