“Today’s Legal Immigrant’s”
Paper Requirements:
1) Introduction: A brief introduction (not more than two paragraphs):
2) Background Information: What laws are in place to encourage legal immigration? What laws are in place
to discourage or make legal immigration difficult? What are the different types of visas available for legal
immigrants? What is the process for legal immigration? Are there differences in the immigration process for
immigrants from different countries or for different circumstances (for example work vs. asylum)? What are
some of today’s legal immigrants’ experiences like?
3) Analysis: Be objective. Your analysis is not about your feelings or sympathy, but legal facts and lawful
procedures. What are the strengths of the current laws? What are the weakness of the current laws? Should a
country know who is immigrating, why or why not? Do the current laws need to change to meet the current
state of the world? Give examples to support your analysis.
4) Your conclusions and opinion: Do you think the laws are sufficient as they are now, or should they be
changed? Explain your reasons. What is your opinion on the immigration system? Express your opinion and
give meaningful examples to support your opinion and articulate your conclusions.
5) Is the Research Paper 850 – 1000 words, plus a works cited page and the cover sheet? REMEMBER: The
text on the cover paged and the text in the works cited page DO NOT COUNT TOWARD THE 850 -1000
6) Is the research paper in CMS style?
7) There will be a minimum of three sources cited in the research paper. The sources can be a combination of
Internet (NOT INCLUDING WIKIPEDIA); books (not including provided course materials), magazines (not
including provided course materials), or journals (not including provided course materials).
1st Source: ___ 2nd Source: ___ 3rd Source: ___ 4th Source and more: ___