Spend the last days gathering and reviewing your semester’s work. Write an essay that explains how you have met the course outcomes (listed below). Be sure to provide specific details from your writing that demonstrates how and where you met the course outcomes.

For example, one of the course outcomes is Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence. You should be able to point to a thesis you wrote in one of your papers and briefly summarize how you supported it with evidence.

Course Outcomes:

Develop writing that demonstrates critical reading and analytical thinking skills.
Use the writing process to create well-developed research-based essays.
Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence.
Summarize, evaluate, synthesize, and document source material.
Use appropriate technologies to prepare written assignments.
Control conventions of language, mechanics, and MLA format.
Describe how you have met the outcomes listed above.

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