Consumer behavior is changing in the digital era, and it is continuing to grow in Coronavirus has spread widely. People are concerned and think deeply in a variety of ways, the rise of online shopping is very popular due to the quarantine policy. This crisis may change consumer behavior permanently or it just a trend during Covid-19 time. The literature that exists  analyzes consumer behavior by various perspectives such as society and economy, how Romania people react to this global pandemic (Florea, 2020). This literature has addressed the consumer behavior change and impact on consumer attitudes in the Middle East region. However, this research paper will figure out how consumer behavior changes in Thailand during pandemic spread. This study can be beneficial to people by providing more information to Thai people and business owners who want to improve their organization. The purpose of this paper is to make people understand how consumer behavior has changed in Thai society during a pandemic crisis.

The existing literature on the changes of customer behavior can be classified into 3 themes:

1) the background information of customer behavior in a global aspect;

2) the factors that influence customers and buying behavior 3) the impact of customer behavior changing.

The first theme is the brief background about customer behavior in a global perspective.

The central research question is “ How has customer behavior changed in Coronavirus spread being perceived in MUIC?” , Does the changes have impact on business.

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