Part 1-Answer the following questions:

1. How does the CDC (Center for Disease Contol) impact individual patient safety related to the Hepatitis A outbreak in 2017 through 2020?
2. How does the CDC- Center for Disease Control impact public health safety How does the CDC- Center for Disease Control impact public health safety of communities related to the outbreak?of communities related to the outbreak?
As you reply to these two questions, be sure to incorporate a research or epidemiology study that supports your response. Sources should be between 2014-2020.
Also, there is a difference between a research study and a research article.
Explain in 3-4 paragraphs and include which literature database(s) you used to identify the study.
Part II:
– CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) is commonly used in Public Health Informatics (PHI). Provide its definition in 3-4 sentences.
– What 1 new “skillset” (Skills, refers to the ability to apply knowledge to specific situations).can you say you will take away from this assignment?

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