I have to write a research paper it is a self-study and paper writing assignment in which I have to extent my knowledge of physiological and nutritional aspects of functional food products and place this in the light of safety and health aspects during both manufacturing and consumption of the food. I will upload the description of the assignment please focus on the deliverbales and the assessment rubric, put all the points the teacher wants in the report and make it all merit according to the assessment rubric.

Some important points:
1. Composition of the product and digestion physiology of the functional component.
2. Product (microbial) safety, packaging, and shelf life.
3. Use of minimal processing techniques and product safety.
4. The health benefit of your functionalized product.
5. Sustainability aspects of the product.

Discuss in your paper how minimal processing could be used (or is used) for the manufacturing of your product to achieve the desired properties:
· What is the relation between the use of a minimal processing techniques, shelf life, and safety for the consumer?
· What is the relation with microbial safety, and
how does it affect flavour and nutritional quality of your functional food product?

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