General Topic of Interest
College Reform

  • Research Objective/Purpose: “Why” of the research
    o The purpose of this study is to explore the pros and cons of college reform i.e. cost, federally insured loans, demand.
  • Research Question(s): “What” of the research
    o Would college tuition decrease if federally insured student loans disappeared, driving demand down for a bachelors in underwater basket weaving?



This assignment builds on the material you should be familiar with from your prerequisite English course.

Your assignment is to prepare an annotated bibliography for your research project following the instructions below.

You will use the resources you find for this assignment in the upcoming Literature Review assignment as well as the Research Methodology assignment. As you search for references in this assignment, keep in mind that the Literature Review and Research Methodology assignments will involve building on your research question(s) and designing a methodology to answer that question.

This assignment has two parts: 1)The list of sources and 2)The annotation for each source.

In your annotated bibliography, the annotation for each source should immediately follow the listing of the sources.

1) The list of sources must contain the following:

  • The subject of your research, which you must state at the top of the page.
  • Ten sources of information about your subject, including:
    • At least one book
    • At least four articles from the Hunt Library databases
    • At least two scholarly articles

ll sources must be correctly documented in current APA style. In addition, the entire references list must be correctly formatted in current APA style.

2) The annotation for each source has two parts:

  • A short summary (1-3 sentences) of the information found in the source
  • An evaluation of the source’s credibility, reliability, currency, possible bias, and usefulness with respect to your topic.  Review the following example as well as the rubric associated with this assignment for more detailed grading information.


10 sources which (at a minimum) includes one book, four articles from the Hunt Library databases, and two scholarly articles.

Four Articles from Hunt Library I am able to provide, hope this helps!

1.Is the Community College a Less Expensive Path toward a Bachelor’s Degree? Public 2- and 4-year Colleges’ Impact on Loan Debt.

Manuel S. González Canché

Pages 723-759 | Published online: 31 Oct 2016


2.Why Is College So Expensive? Maybe America Wants It That Way

Barry Werth , David W. Breneman , Michael McPherson , Terry W. Hartle & Peter W. Stanley

Pages 12-25 | Published online: 07 Dec 2012


3.The Politics of Public College Tuition and State Financial Aid

William R. Doyle

Pages 617-647 | Published online: 31 Oct 2016


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