You will be responsible for finding current event topics relating to marketing that are of interest to you. It can be on anything as long as there is a marketing angle to it. Research your topic and prepare a multimedia presentation that you will post here to share with the class.

Hot Topics Instruction Presentation:

You will be responsible for finding current event topics relating to marketing that are of interest to you. It can be on anything as long as there is a marketing angle to it. Research your topic and prepare a multimedia presentation that you will post to share with the class. You will have up to 4 minutes total.
After you link or attach your presentation/video, please view and comment on at least 2 of your classmate’s presentations/video.

Is it interesting and does it capture the viewer’s attention? Does the presentation tie in key class concepts?
Is the topic relevant to marketing?
Does the presentation advance the class’s knowledge of marketing? Are group members knowledgeable of the topic and context?
Are there practical tools shared to be of value in practice?

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