Unit 8 AS: Public Decency and Morality

This assessment will require you to research public decency and morality offenses. be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with at least three (3) credible resources, which may include the class textbook as well as journal articles or periodicals from the Internet or from the KU Library.

Comprise a minimum 2-page essay, and please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA 7 format. For this assessment, the content should address the following questions presented:

When considering public decency and morality offenses, do you believe that these offenses are likely to change in the foreseeable future in light of society’s changing standards of morality? be sure to include examples of at least two (2) offenses in your narrative.

Why are these offenses considered to be “victimless crimes” by scholars as well as laypeople?

Do you believe that these crimes are truly victimless?

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