Provide an introduction including a discussion of the client’s presenting problem and any relevant information to help understand the nature of this problem. This may include the reason why the client has come to treatment, why they were referred, or why they need social work services.

Discuss how diversity and difference has shaped the life experiences of this client. Discuss how oppression, poverty, marginalization and/or privilege and power has influenced this client’s life experiences and presenting problem.  Discuss any similarities or differences between the client’s culture and the dominant culture (if different) and how these have impacted the client’s social, economic and political experiences.  Discuss how the answers above helped confirm or changed the way you understood the client’s presenting problem.

What were your initial reaction when first working with this client? Identify verbal and non-verbal behaviors your client communicated in response to your initial reaction(s). Discuss how your thoughts, feelings and emotions changed when working with this client over time? Discuss what skills or strategies were needed to for you to manage your feelings?  What verbal and non-verbal communication strategies did you use to promote engagement with this client?  Discuss how you demonstrated to this client you value human relationships with him/her/them.

Complete an assessment tool and attach this as an appendix. You may be allowed to use an assessment tool used by your agency with professor consent. Explain why this assessment tool is appropriate for this client or case and briefly summarize the main findings from your assessment. Following the assessment, discuss what have you learned over the course of your work with the client that is different than what was initially apparent?
Identify an example of why the assessment must always be an ongoing part of the treatment or service.  Think back to your answer you provided about your feelings about engaging with this client. How do your feelings and personal experiences relate to your conclusions about what causes or maintains the problems impacting this client? How did you, and how will you continue to, manage the potential impact of your feelings and experiences on your professional judgement?

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