pick one of the following questions:
After watching “Domino’s Pizza Turnaround”, what part of this did you find most interesting and why? List the financial, physical, knowledge, and human resources used in the pizza turnaround.
After watching “Domino’s at the doors of its harshest critics”, examine this marketing campaign. What was your first impression of this marketing campaign? How would you feel if you were one of the customers (keeping in mind that they really knew the Domino’s people were coming to their doors)? Do you think other companies can duplicate this?
After watching “Domino’s Leveraging Emerging Technology,” do you think Domino’s is a pizza company that uses technology or a technology company that sells pizza? Why did you choose that answer? How can they utilize this technology going forward?
After reading “Pizza Hut’s Biggest Franchisee Declares Bankruptcy,” think about the difference between Pizza Hut and Domino’s. What lessons could the Pizza Hut brand learn from Domino’s? What lessons could the franchisee learn from Domino’s?