
Part 1 : Discuss your thought process as a new leader . After studying several theories , which theory will you employ in your leadership practice? Do you believe that there is a difference between leadership and management if so what is the distinction ? you have read Kouzes & Posner’s (2009) best practices of leadership . Did you find any other leadership best practices in your research that interested you ? Were the findings enough to sway your personal philosophy of leadership . What factors influence you when you need to make a decision ? How might making a diagram help you ? Before this course were you aware that your area of specialization had professional standards what other uses might you find for professional standards in the future ( ethical , curricular , other matters)?

Part 2

Explain the educational problem you chose in eek 3 which is order# 5293785871 How did you justify your choice ? How did you evaluate the problem through the human resources political , symbolic , structural and technological perspectives did you use any other perspectives not mentioned here as you contemplated the problem ? Now describe the potential solutions that you came up with and how you filtered them through the above mentioned perspectives and any other perspectives not listed here .


What is your recommendation ? It is fine if you have more than one , Why did you choose it/ them ?

Length 8 pages , not including title and reference pages

References include a minimum of seven credible resources appropriate to your specialization of which at least two should be from scholarly journals .

Books and resources

Male , T . (2015) . Leadership in education ( video file) SAGE

Area of specialization Special Education

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