Debunking Pseudoscience
DSL 200
Astrology is a belief system that puts people into groups by assigning them zodiac signs based on when they were born. There are 12 zodiac signs and they associated birthdays are show in the table below. Astrologers make predictions about a person’s future based on their zodiac sign and how the stars and planets move across the sky. Note that this is not the same as astronomy, which is the study of the composition of planets and stars and how they move without trying to relate that information to humans. Many people think that astrology is a science, but science requires the natural world to be predictable and consistent in those predictions.
Table 1: Astrological Signs and Dates
Sign Symbol Dates
Aries Ram March 21–April 19
Taurus Bull April 20–May 20
Gemini Twins May 21–June 20
Cancer Crab June 21–July 22
Leo Lion July 23–August 22
Virgo Virgin August 23–September 22
Libra Balance September 23–October 22
Scorpio Scorpion October 23–November 21
Sagittarius Archer November 22–December 21
Capricorn Goat December 22–January 19
Aquarius Water Bearer January 20–February 18
Pisces Fish February 19–March 20
Exploring Inaccuracies in Astrology
People who think astrology is a science think that the zodiac can accurately predict a personality. However, this is not always the case. Let’s explore this concept in your case. Go to the website and select the zodiac sign that algins with your birthday. Then answer the following questions.
1. What zodiac sign are you according to this website?
2. What are some of the traits of this sign that you think you have?
3. What are some of the traits of this sign that you do not think match your personality?