Writing with a specific career discipline focus.

Considering how to recognize subject-matter experts in your future field or career.

Recognize various ways in which the American public has struggled for direct answers from among medical, scientific, and political experts who contradict one another during the coronavirus pandemic.

Revisiting skills for writing, analysis, evaluation, and, especially, argumentation.

Quoting and documenting;

Read Chapter 9: “Arguments of Definition,” 185-204; Chapter 10: “Evaluations,” pp. 210-230 from Everything’s an Argument. Read “The Rhetorical Situation” in Who Says, pp.7-9. Read “W-7: Arguments” in The Little Seagull, pp 43-48.

Now, consider this question: How should experts in your choice of career distinguish themselves from pseudo-experts who flaunt themselves as authorities or specialists?

Now, find two professionally written articles that support your ideas about the skills and characteristics of authoritative experts in your major area of academic focus.

Examine the sample essay format in your Little Seagull, pp. 161-167

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