1. Identify the key figures associated
with the development of behavior therapy.
2. Differentiate the four
“developmental areas of behavior therapy: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social cognitive theory, and cognitive behavior therapy.”
3. Evaluate the central characteristics and assumptions that unite the
diverse field of behavior therapy.
4. Understand how the function and role of the therapist affects the therapy process.
5. Describe the role of the client­ therapist relationship in the behavioral approaches.
6. Identify the diverse array of behavioral techniques and procedures and how they fit
within the evidence-based practice movement.
..·–·- .-
7. Describe the key concepts of
“EMDR, its main applications, and the effectiveness of this approach.”
8. Describe the basic elements of social skills training.
9. Understand and explain the main steps involved in self-management programs.
10. Identify the key concepts of the four major approaches of the
mindfulness and acceptance­ based behavior therapies.
11. Examine the application of behavioral principles and
techniques to brief interventions and to group counseling.
12. Understand the advantages and shortcomings of behavior therapy in working with culturally diverse clients.
13. Discuss the evaluation of contemporary behavior therapy.
“•• i!i l…. ….. “” • -”
1. Understand the evolution 5. Understand the role of
of this approach from the confrontation in contemporary pioneering work of FritzPerts relational Gestalt therapy.
“to contemporary relational 6. Explain these standard Gestalt approaches. therapy interventions:role playing,”
“2. Define the philosophy and basic future projection, making the assumptions underlying Gestalt rounds, staying with the feeling,”
“theory and therapy. working with dreams, and creating”
“3. Identify these key concepts of experiments based on here-and- the approach :here and now, now awareness.”
“awareness, dealing with unfinished 7. Understand the application of”
“business, contact and resistance Gestalt therapy to group counseling.”
“to contact, body language, and 8. Describe the practice of Gestalt the role of experiments in therapy. therapy from a multicultural”
4. Describe how the I/Thou perspective.
“relationship is central to the use 9. Evaluate the contributions,”
“of experiments in the therapy strengths, and limitations of the process. Gestalt approach.”
— …-………c -..wss.awa

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