How does Perkins narrative help you to understand the 20th Century history of Panama, a country that the American media did not want you to learn about?  Do you recall reading about any of the information that Perkins offers about Panama in High School?  Did you every read about anything other than the Panama Canal in High School having to do with Panama?

Bring up some ideas from the readings that shed new light on this corner of the world.

Regardless of whether you are old enough to remember the invasion personally, the documentary is certainly an eye-opening experience. Do you feel its coverage and reporting was fair and open, or biased to the point of being “un-American.” Is it unpatriotic to investigate and consider things that our government has done, which were unethical and counter to the wishes of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution? Was there anything overtly unconstitutional about America’s invasion? If so, what?


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