Not many Dove customers or Axe customers are aware that both brands are owned by a single (umbrella) parent brand (Unilever), and bonded by the mission statement  – ‘Adding Vitality to Life’.

Critically discuss – Would customers’ full knowledge that the sub-brands are both owned by Unilever affect perceptions of the sub-brands and purchase intentions?

Individual case study analysis

Word limits

  • Written analysis guided by specified case questions: 500 – 600 words, excluding references and appendices (electronic copy to Canvas).

Marks & feedback returned to students

Assignment task

The goal of this assignment is to assess your ability to apply marketing knowledge you’ve studied on your course to problems and scenarios concerning real brands. The assignment involves undertaken two case study analyses at the times dates specified in the Indicative Teaching Schedule. You are assessed on two components: (i) the quality of your written response to assigned case question(s), and (ii) active participation in an in-class discussion on the assigned case.


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