EDRG 5595—Spring Semester, 2020 Module Seven Week Seven

Week Seven: February 24—March 2 Objectives: IRA Element 3.3, 3.4 & 6.3 Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow:

Case Study: Lois
Lois is a 10-year-old Caucasian girl. She is in fifth grade and has not been retained. Lois’s fifth-grade teacher uses the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill reading program/series for 60 minutes each day for reading instruction. Between 16 and 20 students are in Lois’s general education reading group. The Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) and the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) are used to gather school-wide screening measures/benchmarks for reading. Lois’s scores on these assessments are below grade level on the Informal Reading Inventory (IRI) and below basic proficiency on the Illinois Standard Achievement Test (ISAT). Although Lois’s reading skills have improved, they have not improved at the rate necessary to bring her to near grade level, despite more than two years of direct and intense interventions.
1. What do you need to know about the Macmillan/McGraw Hill reading program/series that Lois’s school uses for reading instruction? Be very specific.
2. What do you need to understand about the IRI and ISAT tests? Be very specific.
3. What additional information about Lois do you need? Why?
4. What additional assessments would you recommend (at least 3). Why?

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