– Briefly present your organization and how it possibly can be placed in a larger organizational perspective, e.g. if it is an umbrella organization.

– Describe the organization’s need for learning / skills development that you have identified and explain why (examples from the organization’s website, models, documents, texts, etc.)

– Describe the target group for learning that you have chosen to limit yourself to and the motives for this.

– Summarize the perspective on learning and competence development (conflict, management rational, humanistic or institutional perspective) that you intend to start from and apply (motivate based on the organization / target group / need for learning and competence development and the course literature)

– Describe the proposals for teaching elements for the selected target group and argue and justify your position based on the literature (chosen perspective on learning and competence development)

– Present three factors that you consider important to consider in general when planning a training effort for the chosen organization. Do not forget to motivate your arguments based on literature.