Use the Graves & Graves, Redish, and Foss readings on audience and genre to help you analyze the Carson and Biskind readings.
Your goal is to provide an insightful comparative analysis that explains the rhetorical choices Carson and Biskind made to target their audiences and to meet the expectations of the genres in which they are writing.
You will need to make inferences based on the linguistic choices the authors make (formality, use of analogies, specialized jargon, etc.) as well as their document design choices. You should also consider the authors’ purposes for writing.
In 500-750 words:
Explain how the different audiences that Graves & Graves present have been targeted by these texts and/or what those audiences would have looked for in these texts. Choose the most salient audiences. You do not need to explain each audience for both texts.
Compare the two texts in terms of how they have been specifically designed to meet the expectations of the genre. You may need to do some research into Carson’s Silent Spring and the journal from which the Biskind piece appears. What goals do authors have in communicating to these audiences? How do they meet these goals in their text?
Give examples from the texts to support your claims.