Choose two business leaders employing two different leadership styles (one of which must be transformational) in two different organizations. Critically assess their leadership styles and the impact they have on their organizations to determine who is the most successful, justifying your rationale.
Evidence your work citing a minimum of 6 sources of which 4 must be academic
1200 words (+/-10%)
Mark Scheme:
Presentation and Structure 10
Write an essay in a logical structure and in an articulate & fluent academic writing style with no grammatical / spelling errors.
Intellectual curiosity (quality of academic sources), use and presentation of Harvard Referencing 5
Use appropriate sources to evidence your writing, ensure you follow the Harvard Referencing protocol. You have been asked to back up your work with a minimum of 6 sources of which 4 must be academic. Naturally, you can cite more than this. It would be inadvisable to cite less.
Content, terms, findings, definitions, and calculations 25
The content must include a business leader demonstrating transformational leadership and one other business leader demonstrating a different leadership style. In doing this the student should explore the topic and demonstrate their knowledge & understanding through thorough & appropriate research.
Business application breadth / Depth / Integration of Literature 25
Consider how you can best integrate and apply your reading and research on leadership styles and their impact on the organization and critically evaluate their effectiveness. The depth and breadth of your reading will help here and your ability to apply what you have learned.
Discussion, analysis, critical evaluation &/or reflection. 35