Identify and explain how you’d fix a problem in the U.S. correctional system. The problem should be related to correctional psychology.

It can be one of the topics we’ve covered in this class or something we haven’t covered. However, you should be using sources to explain why it’s a problem. For instance, if you argue that the problem you are fixing is “prisons are too crowded” you would need to cite a source suggesting that prisons are crowded. The more you can integrate the learning materials into all aspects of the prompt (particularly #1, #2, and #4), the stronger your paper will be.

Five parts:

  1. What is the problem you’re addressing? Explain it.
  2. How is the problem relevant to correctional psychology? Go back to the definition provided earlier in the course and explicitly tie the problem to the definition so it’s clear how this is a correctional psychological-related problem.
  3. Find some source from the “real world” about the problem (e.g., a newspaper story, a documentary, a podcast, popular culture coverage, a legal case, a movie). Evaluate the source – do you think it does a good job of covering the problem? How so?
  4. Explain a solution you think might work to fix the problem. How would you implement your solution?
  5. Describe any problems you foresee with implementing your solution. How might it fail?



Applied Assignment #2 Rubric

Applied Assignment #2 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify and explain a problem to be addressed
3.0 pts


Problem clearly identified and well-explained, student provides citation to demonstrate where this information is drawn from.

2.0 pts


Problem identified but not explained very well, citation provided.

1.0 pts


Problem identified, but not explained, citation not provided.

0.0 pts

Not Addressed

No problem identified

3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Explain how this is a “correctional psychological” problem – explanation tied to the definition covered unit 1.
2.0 pts


Thorough explanation tied clearly to the definition provided

1.0 pts


Explanation provided and tied to definition, but not well done

0.5 pts


Very weak explanation or not tied to the definition provided

0.0 pts

Not Addressed

Not addressed

2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Source from the “real world” about the problem identified (e.g., a newspaper story, a documentary, a podcast, popular culture coverage, a legal case, a movie).
1.0 pts


Source identified. The source is engaging and interesting to read, watch or listen to, and is related to the topic.

0.5 pts


Source is identified, but is inappropriate in length (too long or too short), and is only partially related to the topic.

0.0 pts

No sources cited

1.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evaluation of the “real world” source (i.e., does it do a good job of covering the problem? how so?)
3.0 pts


Well-articulated evaluation

2.0 pts


Evaluation provided, but not very well

1.0 pts


Very poor evaluation

0.0 pts

Not Addressed

No evaluation

3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Potential solution to the problem explained, and implementation strategies explained
3.0 pts


Solution and implementation strategies articulated and well-explained, sources are cited and learning materials are applied where relevant.

2.0 pts


Both solution and implementation explained (but not thoroughly), OR only the solution explained well without implementation strategy explained, sources are cited and learning materials are applied.

1.0 pts


Solution identified but not explained, no implementation strategy explained, sources/learning materials are not cited.

0.0 pts

Not Addressed

No solution identified

3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Describe potential problems with implementing the solution(s) identified. How might it/they fail?
2.0 pts


Challenge(s) identified and explained well

1.0 pts


Challenge(s) identified, but not explained

0.0 pts

Not Addressed

No challenges identified

0.0 pts


2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA formating

Are APA citations used?

1.0 pts


APA citations are use where appropriate, and correctly formatted.

0.5 pts


Citations are use, but not using correct APA formatting.

0.0 pts

No Marks

No citations are used.

1.0 pts
Total Points: 15.0



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