Need to be one article with one cited person. American Psychological Association.
This is the third summary assignment. It is worth 25 points and there are key things I’m looking for, most of which we have visited about in class. See the Grading Rubric . . . . and be sure to look at comments from your previous summary assignments.
The Title page will be exactly like the paper you submitted earlier (Name on top, The correctly written Citation, and an Abstract Summary about what your topic is about). That’s it . . . for the first page.
Your second, third and possibly fourth sheets will include a summary essay (remember to have a brief intro to what the paper is about, indicate the key points you’ll be elaborating, three to four paragraphs to expound in your own words what you learned in your reading, then finally and conclusion.
For your key points, look for the research in your journal. What were the authors looking for in their study, how was their study set up, what were the results??? Finally, how does their research connect with what you wanted to learn about your topic.