Assignment Criteria
The world media portrays the entrepreneur as a successful person within our society, present a critical review of the characteristics/traits of an entrepreneur with reference to at least three different categories of entrepreneurship which are viewed as legitimate within mainstream research to either ‘back up’ or ‘reject’, this viewpoint.
LO1: Outline and discuss the core concepts and theoretical bases of entrepreneurship in both an academic and practical business environment.
LO2: Critically analyse, knowledge of theories relevant to entrepreneurship within organisations and to develop their own theoretical syntheses.
LO3: To research sound judgements and apply to the process of innovation evaluation.
LO4: To research sound judgement on the meaning of what constitutes an entrepreneurial manager, and what is entrepreneurial management, and how to apply these concepts
The student needs to debate the many characteristics/traits that have been and can be associated with an entrepreneur. These again need to be debated in the introduction starting with a foundation stage to a present day theoretical model. They need to identify at least 3 different entrepreneurial themes within debate, giving clear indications as to how different characteristics/traits can be clearly associated with the different types of entrepreneurial businesses. The student needs to demonstrate a good understanding/knowledge within their debate by using key theory to debate and argue how characteristics/traits can drive potential entrepreneurs into certain sectors of business. This may be because they have a vision or passion, which needs to be framed within a balanced debate.