What are the units of the slope?
What physical quantity does the slope represent?
How does the measured value compare with the expected value? Answer this question by calculating the percent error.
What are the units of the y-intercept?
What physical quantity does the y-intercept represent?
How does the measured value compare with the expected value? Answer this question by calculating the percent error.
Given the results of your experiment, what can you say about the relationship between fluid density and fluid pressure?
Part 2.
For this part repeat all the steps as above, except that instead of varying the density you are going to vary the value of the acceleration of gravity, in increments of 0.1 until you reach the value of .
Collect the table in a table like above, make a scatter plot and obtain the equation of the line of best fit.
What are the units of the slope?
What physical quantity does the slope represent?
How does the measured value compare with the expected value? Answer this question by calculating the percent error.
What are the units of the y-intercept?
What physical quantity does the y-intercept represent?
How does the measured value compare with the expected value? Answer this question by calculating the percent error.
Given the results of your experiment, what can you say about the relationship between fluid density and gravitational acceleration?
Additional Questions
Is the y-intercept of each graph the same? Should it be? Explain.
How would the experiment change if you were to perform me without atmosphere? Be quantitative in your answer; that is, which quantities would change in your plots?
If we did a third experiment in which we kept the fluid density and gravitational acceleration constants, but we varied the depth at which we measured the pressure, what would be the relationship between the Fluid pressure and the depth?