What essay title requires from you?
The bank customer relationship is regulated by the contract, so immediately in the
introduction you need to define the contractual relationship of the UK bank customer .
as relationship >> is governed by contracts
However this contractor relationship. does not involve on the bank Side. So >>You need
to focus from bank perspective, not from the customer perspective, >> you are talking as
a bank. As bank you don’t have any duty to advise the customer.
on the Suitability of the commercial transaction wisdom of Commercial project is a formal
terminology to say that the bank. Has no duty to advise the Customer in the suitability of
the transaction. The Suitability of bank products.
– you need to think from the bank perspective and focus on the bank Position >>UK bank
does not play any duties on the Side in terms of advising the customer.
you need to discuss the duty from the bank side also discuss which Kind of duty banks
hold with respect to customers, and in particular you need to focus on the duty to advise
after providing an overview of the different types of duty, duty Confidentiality, duty of
Care, duty to advise, then you need to critically discuss why in the uk has no duty to
advise the Customer
there are a lot of Cases. There’re a lot of jurisprudence.
In this essay title you need to analyze cases ,You need to bring examples cases aud
Also You need to discuss this case is in a critical way .There is no need to describe all
part in the case. You need to provide the abstract of the Case but then You need to Say
this Case is relevant in particular Significant Because the English Cours recognized at
banks have no duty to advise. we respect to Customers.
-you don’t need to write 2 pages of the Case. you can search online
-You need to provide a brief abstract of the case that particular Case that spport the fact
that in the UK .
Bring examples cases >>> focus only in the duty to advise.
You define what is theUK bauk customer relationship contractor relationship .when you
open a bank account money becomes bank’s money and not Customer money any
more. And There are duties and rights from banks and customers.
2-and then in the next sections> l will focus on duty to advise to customers. from the UK
3-Then in the core Sections need to bring examples cases to demonstrate that in the UK
the banks have no duty to advise Customers on specific products Commercial
4) The difficulty is ability the skills is an improbably digested.
5) You need Critically analyze the Cases; you need to grasp to capture in the cases. the
passage that demonstrate that in the UK Banks have no duty to advise customers.
6) You need to critically discuss cases that support this fact.
I attached all the requirements that must be included in the essay, as
1- The number of required pages is approximately 15 so that it does not
exceed 15 pages. The bibliography is not include in number of pages
2- I attached a file explaining the formal rules that must be followed in the
3- The writing style and the references to be followed in the essay is
th , I attached a file to you explaining the Oscola style in full.
4- Attached you some useful materials could be use as references.
please look at files. it could be helpful.
5- Attached you some samples of excellent essays that have been
6- there is no objection to using graphic figures in the essay.
7- There is no objection for writer to use some an external references
which related.
8- Please include some case law.
9- Please answer the essay question accurately and make the argument
clear with critical analyse.
10- Please write in British academic language.
11-Please take look LLM Postgraduate Handbook 35.
12-Please make all the links you are going to incloud it in essay in blue to
easy access into .
13-The similarity percentage need to be less then 25 %