LaVitaeBella(LifeisBeautiful)Complete the guided viewing questions while watching the film​. ​Afterwards, answerthe study questions​. Your answers should be written on the chart, but in a way thatdistinguishes them from the questions; thus, use italics, a slightly larger font, adifferent colour highlight, and so forth.GuidedViewingQuestionsStudyQuestionsi.When Ferruccio and Guido cannotstop the car at the beginning of thefilm, what do the townspeople dowhen he motions for them to get outof the way?i.Why is this ironic consideringGuido’s origins?ii.How does Guido introduce himselfto the young girl?ii.How does this introduction setthe stage for his futureinteractions with Dora?iii.What animal does Guido tell thelittle girl he is going to haveimported onto the farm?iii.In his words to the girl Guidomentions the name of a city. Whatis the name; of what country is itthe capital; why is it significant tothe time of the film; and whatdoes it reveal about Guido’spolitical opinions?iv.What does Guido do when Doratells him that a wasp has stung her?iv.v.What does Guido take from Oreste?v.How does this incident later workin his favour to impress Dora?vi.What does Guido put in the hat thatAmico puts on his head?vi.How does this incident supplyadditional comedy during thewedding scene?
vii.What is the answer to the riddleabout the Seven Dwarfs that Guidoposes to Dr. Lessing?vii.How does Guido’s relationshipwith him revealed here help inthe second half of the film?viii.What did the principal make Guidotalk about at the school?viii.How is Guido’s treatment of thistopic satirical?ix.Who hiccups when made to dosomethings he/she does not want todo?ix.x.What happened to the car thatGuido borrows?x.xi.What is the answer to the last riddle(“If you say my name, I’m not thereanymore? What am I?”xi.How does this riddle help Guidoin the concentration camp?xii.What does Dora receive that tellsher Guido is at the party?xii.What does her reaction to this giftsay about her feelings regardingher engagement to Oreste?xiii.Where do Guido and Dora exchangea kiss for the first time?xiii.xiv.On what does Guido arrive to spiritDora away?xiv.How does it portray the changingpolitical and social situation inthe city?xv.Who is the little boy that ran out ofthe house?xv.
xvi.What does Giosue read on thestorefront?xvi.How does Guido’s responsereferring to spiders and Visigothsrelate to the theme of innocence?xvii.Who is the rich looking woman whoentered the bookstore and bought abook from Giosue?xvii.xviii.Whose birthday party is beingplanned?xviii.xix.What happened to Dora andGuido’s house?xix.xx.What does Dora do when Guido andGiosue are taken away?xx.xxi.What does Giosue think he is goingto get if he ‘wins the game’?xxi.xxii.How many points does Giosue needto win the game?xxii.xxiii.What kind of work does Guido haveto do in the camp?xxiii.xxiv.What kind of work does Dora haveto do in the camp?xxiv.xxv.How does Guido let Dora know thathe and Giosue are alive?xxv.
xxvi.Who does Guido meet during theselection/inspection?xxvi.What does Guido realize after theencounter with this person at thedinner?xxvii.What does Guido do when theGerman waiter overhears Giosuesay ‘Thank you’ in Italian?xxvii.xviii.What does he do after the dinner togive Dora hope for survival?xxviii.xxix.What happens to Guido when he iscaught by the guard?xxix.Why do you think this happens?xxx.What happens to Giosue at the veryend of the film?xxx.How does this ending delicatelybalance the tragic elements of thefilm with the theme of hope?

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