Connecting theory and research to practice is a beneficial skill for teachers as they navigate their undergraduate studies. Read the article titled Mrs. Boyd’s Inclusive Classroom. Write a 2 page reflection on the following (25 points per section):

Paragraph 1: Provide an overview of the article. Why was Mrs. Boyd selected and what type of values and practice does she embody?

Paragraph 2: Choose one of the strategies in the Classroom Management section. Evaluate the strategy in terms of strengths and limitations. Would you use this in your own classroom?

Paragraph 3:Choose one of the strategies in the Instructional Methods section. Evaluate the strategy in terms of strengths and limitations. Would you use this in your own classroom?

Paragraph 4: Choose one of the strategies in the Teacher, Student, Parent Interaction section. Evaluate the strategy in terms of strengths and limitations. Would you use this in your own classroom?

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