The area of the paper that needs attention is the pages that has the professor’s comments.

This assignment will be reviewed and approved by your course director/instructor & site supervisor.

All students are expected to demonstrate five (5) competencies within the Practicum Experience. Three (3) are foundational competencies within the practice of public health and two (2) are from the student’s concentration within the MPH program. When creating practicum projects, please ensure that these 5 competencies are evidenced in the project.

Foundational Competencies:

1. Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice (CEPH FC 4)

2. Propose strategies to identify stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes (CEPH FC 13)

3. Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, bot in writing and through oral presentation (CEPH FC 19)


Concentration specific competencies: (only chose the 2 that apply to your concentration)

Health Care Ethics Concentration

1. Distinguish general concerns of bioethics surrounding health care of populations made vulnerable or marginalized (HCE # 3)

2. Apply norms and theories of ethics in assessing health research. (HCE #4)

Healthcare Management

1. Analyze a healthcare organizations strategic marketing plan utilized to achieve organizational goals

2. Formulate a human resources solution to an organizational problem.

Keeping the above competencies in mind, please complete this Learning Contract with your site supervisor and the course instructor’s help as needed.

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