Part 1.

Students will research current sport leader (e.g. manager, owner, athletic director, coach, and athlete) and write 2-3 page paper that discusses the individual’s leadership style based on one or more of theories and models discussed in class. This may be done with active or passive research meaning that you can actually observe someone that you know personally OR you choose a sport leader that you want to know more about and obtain information from media sources (newspaper, TV, internet, etc.). The paper should include information about the individual’s work history, current position and involvement, major life events, contributions, controversies, etc.).

Part 2: Leadership Roles and Personal Assessment.

Identify and discuss one or more leadership positions that you currently hold or work. Assess your personal leadership beliefs and behaviors and determine what you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses in the position. If you have not been in a formal leadership position, do a personal assessment as a potential leader in a sport organization. (2-3 pages)

Part 3: Identify the Challenges

Using the leadership position described in Part 2, give a detailed explanation of what you perceived to be the challenges and issues (both micro and macro) to deal with a leader in that position. (2-3 pages)

Part 4: Leadership Solution

Using the theory and concepts discussed in class, develop a plan to improve your current or potential leadership the position and challenges described in Part 2 & 3. (2-3 pages).

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