HRM 2 hour test on the following topics:
Introduction to HRM
HRM in a changing world
Trade unions
Conflict and resistance at work
Employee participation
Migrant work and HRM
Discrimination and Diversity
Recruitment and social Networks
Work life balance
You will be able to start the exam at any time within a 23-hour window beginning on 7 December (it opens at 11.00am GMT and closes the next day at 10.00am GMT). This slot will be monitored through Turnitin.
The overall limit is 2,000 words maximum for the six answers together. You are advised to spend equal time and effort on each answer and to spend two hours on the exam overall. Words in excess of this limit will not be marked.
In-text references (e.g. the names of key authors) is encouraged, but end-of-essay bibliographic references are not required.
You are encouraged to use work from the course, especially examples of case studies from the Workshops, lectures and flipped materials.
Assessment 1 is an open book exam in a 23 hour window, and we recommend that you take 2 hours to complete the exam. There is no ‘timing out’ – we have no control over how long you take – all we can say is ‘we encourage you to stick to the 2 hour rule’, within the 23 hour window.
We are not looking for long answers, but short essay-style answers of around 340 words; 20 minutes writing time. The overall maximum word length of ALL the 6 Questions is 2000 words.
We will be checking for all forms of offence through Turnitin, so do not Google answers, copy, collude or commission. The exam instructions state that you should use course materials, especially case studies from the WSs and materials from the flipped sessions and lectures. If we see answers disconnected from the course, we will be suspicious.
Some of you have asked about a rubric for this assessment. There is a general rubric for School of Business and Management Exams which is posted on the Moodle page under Format of On-line Exam section. It lists criteria expected for different grade boundaries.
With regard to our expectations for answering the short-essay (340 word) answers I’ve made some suggestions below that might be useful.
Each of the 6 answers you need to do should be around 340 words, and answers should:
1. Focus on the concept or ideas of the topic of the Q
2. Avoid desсrіption, and make every word count
3. Make an argument – there might be different POV (points of view) on a topic
4. Avoid repetition,
5. Be analytical,
6. Use case studies or examples from Workshops, Lectures and Flipped Sessions and
7. Briefly reference (in-text) any key writers on a topic.
Do not go over-length. We will only mark the 340 words per Q
The teaching team are strongly opposed to providing a ‘model’ answer as this assumes there is ONE best way of doing a question, when there might be several approaches. The list above should help you focus. There are typical exam Questions at the end of the 6-10 flipped session notes on Moodle. These will give you an idea of the format of the Qs.
Several students have asked about materials for exam preparation. In the Note on the Format of the On-Exam on Moodle we said: You are encouraged to use work from the course, especially examples of case studies from the Workshops, lectures and flipped materials.
To give an example. If we take the topic of Strategy, which is a topic that will come up in the exam, these are the materials you should consult from the Moodle page of MN2705 prior to the Exam:
Strategy Topic
– Pre-recorded Lecture on Strategy
– Transсrіption of the Lecture on Strategy
– Power Point slides of the Strategy lecture
– Several Workshops looked at the issue of Strategy – e.g. Amazon Case, Sports Direct Case, Migrant Work Cases
– Course Outline – see readings under the lecture on Strategy.