Corporate Social Responsibility Reputation paper

Assignment Details:

Select one company from The 10 Companies With the Best CSR Reputations in 2017

Examine what problem(s) the company is addressing and how they address it.
Select at least three internal and external stakeholders.
Assess the effects of the company’s CSR initiatives on each stakeholder.
Evaluate whether the company is successfully communicating their mission to the stakeholders.
Recommend how the company can improve its CSR presence or program.
Critical Details:
Must use “Academic Voice”
Academic voice means to meet the writing expectations of academic writing. To write in an academic voice, do the following:
Make Declarative Sentences
Avoid Casual Language
Be Concise
Use Specific Vocabulary and Precise Words
Use Evidence
Include Your Ideas and Analysis
Must be 2 double spaced pages (APA formatted)
Must include 2 Scholarly Sources

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