Please Answer all of these questions in full sentences I have linked both articles
Read Medicare introduction, Document 1 , 2 and 3 and the interpretation and answer the questions below in full sentences
Part 2: “Medicare” (500-700 words)
1. Why were some doctors and hospitals opposed to the new community clinics in Saskatchewan?
2. In what ways did the Great Depression influence activists involve in the movement for a public medicare system?
3. In what ways did the Cold War shape the debate over medicare?
4. How did electoral losses in the late 1950s and early 1960s influence a medicare policy in the Liberal Party?
5. What factors influenced the cabinet disagreements over the implementation of a national medicare program?
6. Why were the debates over public pensions so consequential for the development of medicare in Canada?
Only Read Pages 91-127 of the linked book above
the book is called A Country Nourished on self-doubt documents in post confederation Canadian history Chapter 4
Part 3: “Immigration” (500-700 words)
1. Would you agree with Scott’s description of the federal government’s immigration policies as “just and humane”? If not, how would you define them?
2. On what basis did Canada rank immigrants?
3. Compare the experiences of visible minorities such as Chinese and Sikhs with those of Adamowska.
4. Did the federal government take advantage of newly arrived immigrants? Did it have an obligation to provide more support to these people?
5. Three decades passed between Adamowska’s initial immigration experience and its publication. Would her description have been different if it had been recorded earlier? What distinguishes “history” from “memory”?
6. Scott’s account contains many racial stereotypes and demeaning images of ethnic groups. Should we reprint and study these types of documents? Do they qualify as hate literature?