What are the difficulties that arise when trying to develop a comprehensive national warning strategy that covers all hazards in all places for a country like Canada?

On a number of occasions, the only viable option for reducing future disaster risk has been to relocate an entire community out of a high-risk zone. Share examples of cases where this has happened in the past.  What challenges do these relocated communities face? (9)

The importance of incorporating the viewpoints of affected communities, individuals and businesses, in the different types of recovery operations has been highlighted. Share your own thoughts on why this is important. Provide specific examples where applicable. (9)

Children have unique needs when recovering from disasters.  Which of these needs do you think are the most important?  Why do you think this is the case?  In your opinion, how can those needs be effectively met? (9)

Research NGOs (both national and international).  If you had the opportunity, which NGO(s) would you like to be a part of? Why? How can you get involved? (10)

Discuss examples of  how bureaucracy and/or politics can interfere with disaster management  efforts. (10)

Share some arguments for and against the involvement of the military in disaster management. Through examples, share some implications of military involvement in domestic disaster relief efforts and/or cases where military  assets are deployed internationally? (10)

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