
topic Ovarian Cancer

Form a group to write a paper based on ovarian cancer. Each person will be responsible to submit a section of a 10 page paper regarding Ovarian cancer.

I. Description of the clinical presentation of the disease, what are the typical primary indicators for the disease, what are typically late indicators of the disease.

II. Describe the diagnostic tools involved in the diagnosis.

* A search of the recent literature (less than 5 years old) related to the topic needs to be performed. Students are required to provide evidence, based on scientific research, to support the information about the cancer. Students are required to find research on the best evidence-based practices used in relation to the selected topic.

* A search of the recent literature (less than 5 years old) related to the topic needs to be performed. Students are required to provide evidence, based on scientific research, to support the information about the cancer.

**Choose two articles related to the   disease process and one national guideline pertaining to the disease. Articles must be less than 5 years old and from a scholarly, peer reviewed journals.


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