

each professional organization has its own ethical standards and to a great extent there is overlap, but not always. During the Bush Administration, torture techniques (as defined by the Geneva Convention) were employed in dealing with captured combatants in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Two psychologists developed the techniques employed. Now, these psychologists were not APA members, nevertheless, APA needed to comment. They did not do a good job.

Here is a piece discussing APA’s failure. What are your thoughts?


Integrated services, collaboration, and consultation are common in the field of psychology. Psychologists work with a wide range of providers (each having their own ethical standards) in tangential fields including but not limited to legal entities, children and family services, counselors, educators, and those in the medical field. Should the APA ethics code regarding internal factors such as competence, privacy/confidentiality, record keeping and fees, education and training, and assessment be applied to these tangential fields? Why or why not?

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