
Comprehensive, detailed and well-presented annotated plan of a 30 min learning activity relevant to your field of practice

Justify the purpose, method, and content in the context of the participants and setting with reference to theory

Use theory to justify the intended learning outcomes of the session

Demonstrate understanding of the need for a safe learning environment; analyse and address pertinent factors that may affect learning in the given situation

Reflect and evaluate the approach taken, supported by use of learning theory

Critically discuss how you will evaluate participants’ learning using relevant learning theories

• Clear aims and objectives for your teaching session.

• Use a wide range of contemporary and relevant literature and learning theories

• Well-presented and clear presentation of you plan.

• Give rationale for your approach and methods used.

• Must correctly and consistently use the Harvard Referencing System.

• Show clear links with theory and practice

• Show a clear understanding of your target audience.

• Show an appreciation of the factors that may affect learning including the learning environment.

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