1. Use the Community as Partner model, to do an abbreviated community assessment, which must include data collection and a windshield survey, of the New Rochelle community. (New Rochelle, NY)
2. Analyze the data looking for trends showing strengths, weaknesses, and conditions.
3. The student develops one or two community health problems which identify a particular aggregate at-need or at-risk. (Support/aid, owing to the pandemic many places that previously offered used/gently used clothes or furniture are now closed, clothing bins are locked. Many places aren’t accepting donations and are no longer handing out supplies. How do residents now get their hands on these needed supplies – Safe clean supplies).
4. The entire process requires study and interpretation of Community Health course content; specific attention to review the evidence, and study of the identified aggregate; integration of knowledge and creativity in developing content and delivery of health promotion materials to the aggregate; inter-professional communication with the community agency; problem-based learning, problem solving, decision making, leadership skills, critical thinking, and policy development