Eoin Devereux does not see media globalization as an unproblematic given. How has media globalization affected the way information is distributed unequally among different countries, regions and their people, especially in Information Communication Technologies? He also talks about glocalization. Using the case of Facebook in Myanmar, examine if any aspects of Devereux ideas can be used to understand the situation in Myanmar. Using this study you should also explain what Devereux study of globalization has overlooked.

Eoin Points:
– Eoin speaks about Glocalization, use Facebook in Myanmar and examine if any aspects of Devereux ideas can be used to understand the situation in Myanmar. Explain what Devereux study of globalization has overlooked.
– Does not see media globalization as an unproblematic given.

Points about Facebook a transnational corporation:
– Facebook business model and global dominance
– Information rich and poor, what about quality of the information?
– Exploitation of people & resources in different parts of world
– Deregulated Environment
– How a global corporation has footprint all over world. Do they bother to learn about particularities of other communities around world.
– Type of global responsibilities should be demanded of global corporations
– How locals appropriate the technologies the global corporations supply\



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