What are the differences between the Great Depression and the Great Recession? Why did price levels not increase despite the Fed’s ramping up of the money supply during the financial crisis of 2008? Will price levels rise as a result of the COVID-19 monetary and fiscal responses? Why or why not?
Explain the similarities and the differences between monetary and fiscal policy and what are their respective limits. Be sure to add the public choice (politics of economics) considerations to your answer as well.
What happens when the Fed sells government bonds in the open market? Why are they doing it? Answer thoroughly with a graph to supplement.
Explain why some countries have such drastic differences in economic growth. Try to incorporate anything relevant from the course. What does unemployment have to do with it and what are the differences in unemployment. Feel free to expand and add diagrams.
Ask your own question and answer it using the economic way of thinking. A good answer will include relevant concepts, theories, and/or models (#econspeak) applied appropriately. Your grade will be dependent upon the quality of both your question and your answer.