The question needs to be answered from the assignment”
Why do you think this table is a type of qualitative analysis. One pargraph.
Table 20.3 – Categorization of responses to the open ended question, what are some specific problems needing action in your organization?
Inductive Categories Participants Responses
Management issues there are leadership problems
We need a suggestion box
There is a lack of attention to individual needs
There is favoritism and preferential treatment of staff.
Physical environment We need a better cleaning service for the office
Our office furniture is dated and needs replacing
We need more computer terminals
There is not enough space for everyone
Personnel Practices We need more objective recruitment and hiring standards
We need objective performance appraisal and reward system
Nonproductive staff members should not be retained
Employer development more training is needed at all levels
Training is needed for new employees
We need more opportunities for advancement here
Intergroup and interpersonal relations The office is turf oriented
There is a lot of us and them sentiment here
Communications needs improving
Certain departments are put on a pedestal
Each department has stereotypes of the other dept.
Work structure there are too many review levels for our product
Too many signatures are required
Responsibilities at various levels are unclear
There is a lot of overlap and redundancy
Our product is not consistent because there are too many