A case study on Kylie Jenner: Understanding the relation between Instagram identity (traditional role) and personal brand

Methodology(1000words): Explains method (Only need content analysis) in relation to research questions, measure hypothesis and includes statement on ethical considerations
(Data collect from January 3 – February 3, 2020. Reason for select this range, because Kylie decided to developed Stormi collection to celebrate her daughter’s birthday, meantime, it also affect to her person brand sales)
Kylie Jenner’s Instagram identity (traditional role) encourages follower’s engagement.
Kylie Jenner’s Instagram identity (traditional role) affects her personal product.

Research Question
Main: How does representation in traditional roles on Instagram benefit Kylie Jenner?
What kind of traditional roles Kylie Jenner represents on Instagram? (daughter, friends, mom & businesswoman)
Which traditional role frequently is represented in Kylie Jenner’s Instagram? (Mom? Businesswoman?)
What are the benefits Kylie Jenner gains from the frequent Instagram presence? (increase of audience engagement “like comment” & personal brand: product creation and finance)
What are followers’ reactions to Kylie Jenner’s frequent Instagram presence? (positive & negative)
How does Kylie Jenner utilize the frequent Instagram presence to promote her product

Results(1000words): Report on the findings of your study. Here you may include thick description, quotes, quantitative results with other data to address how your findings relate to your research questions. You may include tables, graphs, images and/or other figures. Need to mention Stormi collection, also write about Stormi collection bring economic benefit to Kylie Jenner

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