Introduction of your essay must include a short summary of the story in five sentences and a theme with at least three ideas to elaborate in your essay. Three of the body paragraphs must discuss ideas, such as the political background of the Argentinian society in the 1960s, the relevancy of the story’s theme in our contemporary society and a justification of the ending of the story. Fifth paragraph is your conclusion. All the body paragraphs must be at least 150 words with specific topic sentences and examples to illustrate your thoughts and conclusions. Use 3rd person perspective or point of view without shifting to 1st or 2nd person. Include appropriate transition when shifting from a paragraph to the next. You must incorporate two TCCD database articles to support your ideas by quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Follow MLA 8th edition format for in-text citations and Works Cited. Use direct quotations sparingly. Your essay must consist of 3 pages, typed and double-spaced in Times New Roman font point 12.

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