Learning Outcome

On successful completion of the module’s report, students will be able to:

  • Use and critically appraise AgilePM and other agile methods
  • Develop critical understanding of how agile characteristics can the aligned with other agile and non-agile lifecycles to achieve a hybrid approach to project management.
  • Critically analyze the difference between traditional and agile project management methodologies.


  1. Report Brief

Critical evaluation of the use of SCRUM (agile project management practice) in Financial services

The written report must demonstrate individual student’s research into agile methods practice and its use within the specified context. The report should as much as possible include practical examples or case study projects to support your arguments. Your finding must critically analyze and evaluate your chosen agile method(s) being applied within selected domain.

There is general acceptance of the value of agile in IT projects. There is still considerable scepticism about its value in non-IT projects. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that agile is precisely what is needed in many simple and complex projects, both IT and non-IT.

Your task is to examine the validity of this statement by using the latest literature and project examples. The case studies may include any social enterprise, charity, government organization, commercial firm, or similar within stated context.


The report must include evaluation and reflection on the practical application of stated agile method(s) with reference to examples/case study and supported by findings from academic and practitioner literature. You must use reputable and recognised sources to conduct your research and avoid using obscure websites.


  1. Report Organization

The length of the report is 3500 words + 10%. The limit excludes abstract, Table of Contents, diagrams, references and appendices. The word count must be stated on the cover page.

You should write in clear, concise and correct English. Remember to Spell check, Grammar check and Proofread.  Do not put far too many points into one paragraph. Keep the points separate, at the very least by using a new paragraph for each point.


The report should have a suitable structure and may follow the recommended structure:

Introduction. The introduction should set the context of the report. 

(Main Body of your report). This will contain your analysis, findings supported by examples/ case study in formulating your evaluations. 

                  The main body should include 3 parts:

                        PART ONE – Scrum approach in Finance Organizations examples and case studies

                                PART TWO – Agile practices in non-IT projects

                                PART THREE- Reflection on practical application of scrum methodology






Appendices (optional)



  1. Marking scheme

This is an individual assignment and is worth 70% of the total marks available for this module. Each student must submit an electronic copy of their report to Blackboard. The marking scheme for the report:

  Max marks
Introduction 10%
Use of theory 25%
Analysis/Findings 40%
Conclusions 15%
Referencing 5%
Presentation and structure 5%
Total 100%


Note that marking criteria should not be seen as the structure of the report nor expected headings of your report. You should view the marking criteria as a useful indicator about the level you need to achieve for your work.

Note that textbook descriptions of methods, tools and techniques will not be given marks, although a brief description or outline of such techniques may be necessary.

An assessment rubric will be used to show how marks allocation in accordance to threshold criteria in line with university’s grade descriptors. Copy of the rubric can be found at the end of the assessment brief.

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